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Image by Yerlin Matu


$130 - $180

Cat Baths include: 

Shampoo and Conditioner 

Breath Spray

Nails Trimmed

Towel Dried and Blow Dried**

Kitty Cologne Spritz

Brush Out


Cat Haircuts Include:

Bath Package Plus:

A clipper cut that is 1/4" or shorter. 


I do not offer longer haircuts to cats as their hair does not clip smoothly.


You may opt for a couple different patterns such as a "lion cut" or "dino cut" or you're welcome to keep it classy and simple with a full tail, booties, and a short rounded face.


*Cat Grooming is inherently dangerous and will only be performed if I feel that it is safe to do so. This also means that at any time during the groom I may elect to stop the groom for my safety and the safety of the cat. 


**Your cat may be returned to you damp as many feline friends do not appreciate the loud dryer and the force of the air even at the lowest speed. I will do my best to towel dry them before returning them to you but this is entirely dependent on the cat's tolerance.


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